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Thursday, July 20, 2017

I still love you big.

for alison.

when we were 12 we went to summer camp together.
we brushed each others hair on shabbat.
we hid behind the cabin and kissed dark haired jewish boys.

once when you fell asleep hard
I cohearsed the girls in our cabin
to put your finger into warm water to make you pee.
it didn't work.
we were all scared to wake you up.
i'm still scared to wake you up
but id risk it.

cause love is like sisters
and washing eachothers dishes.
and sitting beside just to calm the nerves
of the one you love.

three little dirty blond haired girls
sit car seats crammed together in the back seat of your matrix.
mistaken for sisters.
we made babies and pushed them out.
you pushed yours out so quick i almost didnt make it in time.
I dont know how we grew up enough to push babies out
but we did.
we did it real good sister.

we used to make each other friendship bracelets out of DMC floss.
we were once swim buddies.

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