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Monday, February 4, 2013


Today Caryn wakes up next to the fire which is burning slowly and Matt puts on his boots to fill it back up with woood. Woooosh, the orange flames are beautiful through the glass.
Caryn's momma "bubbie" arrives and we're reading a story to Hazel while watching the boy cardinals And the girl cardinals out the window.
We are drinking juice to fill the body with nutrients and take it easy on the digestive system for breakfast (a few nibblets of buckwheat sunflower cake). We're gonna make juice a regular part of the routine, oh and get some kefir cultures and a bunch of coconuts to make a brew of young coconut kefir drink, antibacterial and fungal and full of probiotics and electrolytes.
All sorts of support is coming from the community to help, and at this point the best we can think of is small gifts of fresh organic produce for juicing and Kefir-ing.
We're on the lookout for:
Celery, Cucumber, Bok Choy!, Kale, Collards, Chard, Cilantro, Radishes, Aloe, Parsley and Bitter greens (dandelion, frisee, escarole, chicory), Turmeric root, Carrots, Ginger, Wheatgrass.
Green Apple, Frozen Red Raspberries, Blackberries, Blueberries, Cranberries, Lemon, Lime (no other fruits please)
Young Fresh Coconuts! (get by case at Hua Xing, asian market on Washtenaw)
Maitake, Shiitake, Enokitake, King Oyster.
Love love love!
We're excited to bang coconuts open with a hammer after making a sweet drill hole to empty the juice for culturing.
You can drop goodies off in the cooler in the mudroom (through the gate on side of house) at 2234 North Territorial.
A million thanks, friendly friends and family.
Britten and Evan (neighbor buddies)

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