you're never too old to lie in your father's lap, sob on your mother's shoulder or spoon your sister
i no longer believe everything happens for a reason
the unknown is more terrifying than reality
crying is a sign of strength
hospital food is only a skosh better than airplane food
nurses are selflessly devoted caring beings
my sister's strength, courage, humor and insight displayed the past couple weeks is what has kept me going
it helps to have friends in high places
there is nothing heavier than compassion
the i love lucy show was and still is brilliant
the body is remarkable and knows how to heal itself
a smile from a stranger goes a long long way
lack of control is overwhelming and powerless
my sister is beyond blessed to have the warmest, most generous, uplifting and supporting community of friends
the breath is healing
i love my sister to infinity and wish this was all a bad dream
we don't have the power to make life fair, but we do have the ability to make it joyful
one must turn on the dryer if the goal is to dry ones clothes
hope is faith
my parents are magical
it's impossible to OD on "I Love You's"
cancer sucks
there is nowhere in the world i'd rather be right now than with my sister
silver ponies and stickers make everything better
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