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Thursday, January 17, 2013


Here's what we know so far:
Caryn had been having some bloating and abdominal discomfort, and went to the doctor on Monday. She scheduled an ultrasound, and we found out that she had a large mass on her ovaries. Since then, we've been to see Dr. Rebecca Liu at UofM, who told us that they both need to come out. Surgery is scheduled for Wednesday, and we will find out more after that. Like I said, they will start by removing both ovaries, which will be sent off for biopsy while Caryn is still on the table. If the mass is benign, then nothing else will need to be done. The doctor is fairly concerned about it because of the fluid that is in Caryn's abdomen and her family history of ovarian cancer. If it's cancer, they may remove all or portions of her uterus, lymph nodes in the area, and the omentum, which is a layer of fat underneath the stomach. All these are possible locations for tumors to spread from the ovaries. After surgery, they will also assign a stage (1-4). Right now, they don't know much about it. The doctor said she feels like it's most likely stage 1 or 2 based on the ultrasound and a physical exam. We'll know the results of the surgery immediately afterwards, but the final recommendations for treatment (chemo, etc.) will not be available for a few days. All the tests need to come back, and a board of physicians will look at the results to make any further recommendations for treatment.
Caryn will be in the hospital for 3-5 days, and then home recovering. Any followup treatment will begin 2-8 weeks after surgery, depending on what is found. We ask for your prayers and thoughts of hope at this time. Jessica Lieberman is organizing a meal schedule for once we're home, please contact her if you'd like to get on the list.
Caryn would like you all to know that she is looking forward to her pants fitting properly again soon, it was really freaking her out.
I'll try and post updates when we know any more.

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