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Friday, November 20, 2015

pee wee.

is the name of my nephroskpy bag.
(thank you sacha).
that is what i said to the doctor in the ER 2 weeks ago
right before he told me i was his most fun patient all day.
i said to the nurse who had to collect a specimen from the bag,
'isn't that the prettiest URine you have ever seen? look how clear it is!'
that was right before he told me he has never had a patient like me before.

my kidney function is almost back to normal i found out yesterday
at my visit with my beloved holistic oncologist.

you know what that may mean right?

seriously i can't wait to take a shower.
its been three months!

just kidding.
it really does suck though.
it slips down my leg all day.
gets stuck on stuff and yanked.
accidentally patted by beloveds.
one time it slipped so far down my leg my boot crushed it
and i had a pee-plosion.

pee wee im so done with you.

thank you for saving the life of my left kidney.

Saturday, November 14, 2015

phase II MRI results.

deep gratitude and light joy (in the way he gives)
to my dear cousin kolin for repairing the email update option connected to this blog.
thank you kolin.

i saw dr. uppal prior to chemo on thursday afternoon.
the tumor is shrinking.

the tumor is shrinking.

there was a time when my alternative healers believed there was a chance this cancer would not respond to chemo given the way it it hid itself from detection.

thank you teacher-cancer for this response.

there are some lymph nodes on my upper thigh below the tumer that may be in question.
they may be slightly enlarged.
1. because they are growing.
2. because of uriter irritation from my stints.
3. because they were hidden from view at the time of the first MRI they were not observed and may therefor be of no concern.

this was my 4th round and i will have another MRI after my sixth.
same as last time.


i received a graceful gift last night.
my friend michelle massy barnes presented an ignite talk at u of m. she shared in 5 minutes with only 20 slides a piece of my cancer story with my daughter. the images on a big screen brought big-open-heart tears to me. she shared with such dignity and peace for my process. she re-affirmed my strength through witnessing.

gratitude michelle.

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

reboot. not robot.

this is a test. did you receive an email letting you know a post was made? 
send a text to let me know so I can celebrate and begin again and celebrate 
my cousin Kolin who is a genius. genius. I love you cuz. 
